This month’s celebration color is WOW! Fuchsia. Whenever I see or wear the color Fuchsia, I will remember that I count and that I make a difference wherever I go.
In February, we celebrate Black History Month. This is because we want black Americans and Americans of every color to know that they are very important in the successful progress of our country. Feeling that “You Count” is to feel worthy, to know you have value, and know that you are good and have the power to do good.
One of the reasons I wrote this book is because it never made sense to me that some people valued some lives more than others based on silly physical differences. The habits in this book are all about the unifying qualities that we have in common. Focusing on these shared qualities inspire a whole lot more unity among us than emphasizing minor differences, blown way out of proportion.
When you know you count, you know you have a purpose and that you were born with gifts to fulfill that purpose. Each day we use our time, our thoughts, and our energy. Together we could turn all of us into humane beings more than just human beings. Humane beings are generous, democratic, forgiving, kind hearted, unselfish and amiable. Wouldn’t that be great?
What is so exciting about being alive is that we affect our lives and the lives of others. This is why we are each too important to abuse ourselves with drugs and alcohol.
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?”
— Marianne Williamson
A February “YOU COUNT” activity at Warm Springs Middle School in Morgan County, WV, included a bulletin board with papers each student wrote about why, “I Count.”
February’s Videos
Cosmic Comic Swami Beyondananda gives his unique take on the 12 Habits of Unity's February Habit - You Count.
“Yes, I am here to tell you, you count. You can count on that. Everything you do makes a difference to someone. And if you count, you can be counted on. This is the month we celebrate the ultimate minority right – the right to be exactly who you are.” — Swami Beyondananda
In the dance between the individual and collective, we tend to place importance and agency outside ourselves, “out there”, on those who are more powerful and “important” than we are. However, in these times of awakened awareness, there is a place for everyone to contribute and benefit, based on their individual gifts and talents, purpose and passion.
At the opposite end of that spectrum, there are those who are so focused on their own work and importance, that they fail to recognize and honor the gifts of others. Each of these ego trips – ego too big, or ego too small – put our attention on ourselves, not the world out there where we can have an impact. Remember, each of us is a “sovereign soul-proprietor”, a one-of-a-kind, with a unique gift, and purpose. Use February to celebrate yourself and others.
12 Habits Webinar - Episode 2
February’s Habit - You Count
Steve Bhaerman in Conversation with Elaine Parke.Humorist and Author Steve Bhaerman and Elaine Parke, MBA, CS, CM, NSA, Communications Consultant & Author, creator of the 12 Habits of Unity, discuss the 12 Habits as a coherent, evolutionary practice that produces real results in the real world – and how you can “join the Up-Wising” and our exciting intentional experiment.
Explore February with us and remember… YOU COUNT.
Share Your Stories and Ideas
for how you count in February here.
This revolution of good habits will grow because you act on the habits and because you have good ideas for spreading the 12 habits too. As an example, one dentist displayed monthly habits posters.. on the ceiling over his patients - and changed them each month. How COOL is that?? Share YOUR stories and ideas with us and we’ll feature them on the website so others can benefit from your sharing.